Monday, August 29, 2011

Corn and Sweet Potato Chowder with Chipotle

This is another Mark Bittman recipe and I had really high expectations because of how much I love the quinoa tabouleh. I think I set myself up for failure in that respect. I did not love this nearly as much. It's still a good soup, but I wanted it to be the best soup I'd ever had. Which it wasn't. the best soup I ever had as a pumpkin soup in a French restaurant in the Dominican Republic. The pumpkin soup still holds the title. What I do like about this soup this that it feels healthy when you eat it. Yeah okay there's cream in it so it's not the world's healthiest soup. But it's only half a cup of cream in the whole batch, and what I mean by feels healthy is that there's beautiful chunks of healthy veggies and there's nothing like fresh ingredients. For the love of God DO NOT make this with canned corn. I hate effing canned corn. Use corn fresh off the cob as directed in the recipe of just go eat at some grease pit fast food joint. Seriously.

Make this soup if you like a little spice in your culinary life and if you have an appreciation of a chunky soup.

Monday, August 22, 2011


Husband is obsessed with fresh made donuts. For our honeymoon we stayed at an all inclusive resort and they served fresh made donuts. He talks about them with a gleam in his eye and drool on his chin. He got for a gift from his sister a dry mix for homemade donuts from Williams Sonoma, one might say the perfect gift for him. But you have to know it's not going to be him standing over a pot of oil on a Monday night. That's where I come in. Today was not my greatest day at work. I had to stay late and I was pretty tired when I got home. This morning I became semi-conscious at around 6am and thought to myself "Oh, it's Sunday I can keep sleeping." and proceeded to fall back into my dream of being at a day spa on a farm in France. 30 minutes later my anger at not having had my french facial yet brought me back to consciousness and I realized it was actually Monday and I'd slept in half and hour. From there the day continued much in the same pattern. So yes I was not in the best spirits tonight and wasn't much in the mood for deep frying anything. That is exactly what I did though.

The donut mix was Willams Sonoma Bouchon Bakery Donut mix. You add butter, egg yolks and warm milk to the packet of dry ingredients and yeast included. Mix it up and let it rise in a bowl for an hour. Then you roll out the dough and cut your donuts. Don't have a donut cutter? Neither do I, but I do have a round cookie cutter so that's what I used. No holes in these donuts. Then you place your cut dough on greased cookies sheets and let sit for at least 8 hours in the fridge. Mine sat about 24 hours. I came home took them out of the fridge to let them get back up to room temperature and filled a pot with oil.

Now, if you recall I hate deep frying. So me standing there waiting for the oil to heat, I was getting more paranoid by the second. Images of my flesh burning thru to the bone from hot oil. My face melting off a la wicked witch of the west, or Jack Nicholson's joker. Or even me looking like Jack Napier's girlfriend Alicia post "Living Art Experiment" in Tim Burton's Batman (one of my favourite films growing up). This is how I see my face looking all because Husband wants a donut. Either I was too exhausted to really care, or I'm braver than I think I am because I just went for it. Not much hesitation this time. I burned my first few donuts as I think the oil was too hot but once I found my stride I was good to go. Even if I was full of bottled terror. I cooked all my donuts and then dredged them in the cinnamon and sugar mixture that also was included in the kit from Williams & Sonoma. The end result is about a dozen cute little donuts that Husband gave a 10 out of 10. I didn't try one because for some reason I'm doing a sugar detox right now....We'll just have to take his word for it!