Monday, July 2, 2012

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

Husband's favourite cookie of all time is Oatmeal Chocolate Chip. He scours the grocery store looking for them in the bakery section but almost never finds them. Oatmeal Raisin abound but the Oatmeal Chocolate Chip seems to be forgotten or unwanted by the population according to the grocery store's bakery. Personally I don't much care for cookies at all, but Husband is a fiend for cookies. - I feel like there's a sexual inuendo there....moving on.

I haven't made cookies in a VERY long time due to this whole pregnancy thing. My baking has fallen to what may be an all time low for me and actually my cooking activity is pretty low on the charts too. Even though I woke up feeling like I weigh 800 lbs and achy as hell at 27 weeks pregnant I really wanted to make Husband these cookies. Going for a swim made me feel a lighter for an hour today which gave me some energy, oh and my 2 hour nap this afternoon also gave me a little get up and go. So by the time the heat of the day had mostly passed at 9pm I was ready to make these cookies.

They really were very easy to make, well from the voice of someone with a Kitchen Aid mixer. But if you're used to stirring by hand I'm sure this will be no big whoop. I find cookies very simple to make though, I mean you just toss everything in a bowl, mix and pop in the oven, not exactly rocket science. If you have trouble baking you're probably not reading the proportions correctly. Baking is really just chemistry. Do the formula as you're told and the reactions will look after everything else for you. And for the record I only passed highschool chemistry by 2% I think it was so if I can get it correct you really should be able to too.

Anyhow, Husband thought these were the cat's meow so if you're one of those people scouring the grocery store for some decent Oatmeal Chocolate Chip here's your answer.


1/2 c butter
1/2 c brown sugar
1/2 c sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1 egg
1 1/2 c quick cooking rolled oats
1 c all purpose flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 c chocolate chips

Add your ingredients in a bowl in the order I've listed them. Start by creaming your butter and stir in each ingredient as you add it. You may want to add the flour/baking powder/cinnamon all in one go.
Bake in the oven for 13 min approx @ 350F or until the edges of the cookies are browning.
For the love of God use a good cookie tray or at least a silpat if your tray is shit. If you don't have a good tray your cookies will burn and stick every time - there's no blaming that on the recipe!