Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Pie and Tart

It's no secret that I love pies and tarts. They are by far my favourite desserts. I think the only thing that can rival I slice of pie or an amazing tart for me is a cappuccino and croissant combo. God, if I had to choose....well, I don't even want to think about it.
Anyhow, I wanted to make sure that everyone knows about the existence of this cookbook. It really and truly is an amazing book. Every recipe I have had from it has been fantastic and actually if I were to cook my way thru another cookbook this would be a great choice - except that I'd weigh 50 lbs more at the end of it all. It just might be worth it though. It has all the classic pies you'd ever want to make, and *%$@ they are good!!!!!!!!!!!
If you're a baker or know someone who is a baker get your hands on this book if you haven't already. I'm sure that if you give this as a gift to someone you can convince them to make you a pie or two from it's pages =)

Happy Eating!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Spring Pasta Salad

So, yeah I've been slacking with the posts. I have a great reason though, I'm pregnant. That means that my energy level is pretty low. I'm in my 6th month and yeah, don't have tons of energy to blog these days. You may have noticed.....
Anywho, yesterday I was watching Food Network and happened to be watching "Sandwich King" and he made this delicious looking super healthy pasta salad. I looked an Husband and said with much elation , "That's what I'm going to make for lunches this week!". It looked really easy to make and had a nice variety of veggies that I thought would be great for my little fetus. After a trip to the grocery store and many a household chore it was 930pm and I just started to make the salad. It was really easy to make, I'll give Sandwich King that, but today at lunch even in my pregnancy induced state of famished hunger I wasn't a fan of this salad. I would even go so far as to say that had I not been so incredibly hungry I probably wouldn't have eaten this. True is was full of vitamin filled veggies for baby K but my taste buds were not feeling this. I still have 2 more lunches worth of this salad too....
I give this recipe a fail and I'm also going to fail the Sandwich King too because I'm so disappointed.
Boo Sandwich King, Boo.