Sunday, April 24, 2011

Ginger Passionfruit Trifle

I gotta tell ya - this is the perfect dessert to make if you have no time at all. I made this in about 15 minute this morning and that might even be an exaggeration. I took this dessert for Easter dinner to my sister's house and I think just about everyone liked it. The only person who said they didn't like it was Husband and really, he's a bit if a fussy muss when it comes to desserts. I found this recipe easy enough to make that I think I could do it even it I was really drunk. And it's got that nice quality of not being a heavy dessert. It's light and just a little bit of sweetness at the end of your meal. I think this one's worth making and it feeds a considerable amount of people.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Blackberries in Muscat Jelly

I really did not want to have to eat this. It looked pretty effing repulsive to me. But I have to admit that I was pleasantly surprised by this recipe. I had a bit of a struggle in the LCBO trying to find muscat wine. I had to seek advice from an employee who was not able to find a muscat wine for me but hooked me up the a late harvest vidal from Henry of Pelham. It was a pretty good substitute - I told him it was for a recipe and he had some good ideas about what would be a cost effective supplement. So if you can't get your hands on a muscat wine look for a late harvest vidal.

Back at the ranch this was really very easy to put together. Put everything (less the berries and gelatin) in a pot and wait for the sugar to dissolve. Then add the gelatin and pour the mixture over the berries. Then all you do is wait for dessert time. Nigella suggests you make this in the morning. I made it around 4pm and then indulged just before 8pm so the jelly had about 3.5 hrs to set. Now it's important to keep in mind here that the gelatin does not fully set. You'll just get a thicker version of your concoction. And I have to tell you it's a little bit delicious. I was a hater of this recipe. Look how long I waited before making it. But I gotta tell ya I have been turned. Like freakin' Aniken Skywalker to the dark side. I enjoy this recipe and despite the fact that it may look a little nasty or questionable I say take the plunge. I'm betting you will enjoy this.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Tuna and Crab & Avocado Wraps

Welly, welly, welly, well, well. Your humble narrator is down to only 6 recipes to make now. That's right my droogs. Six measly stinking recipes. Though I have a feeling those 6 recipes may be the death of me. I cannot even begin to tell you the level of exhaustion I have for this right now. Truth is I should have been done long ago. But I've become very apathetic and seem to have serious amounts of lethargy when it comes to making these recipes lately. Quite simply, I just can't do it. Today however, I dug down deep to find the energy to make some wraps that take about 6 minutes to prepare. I know, I'm a real effing hero. I think it was the fact that I saw an Imperial Storm Trooper begging for change on my lunch break today that gave me the motivation to make a Nigella recipe tonight. I mean if that dude can get out of bed, throw on a storm trooper costume and stand on the corner holding a sign asking for spare change all day then surely I can make a wrap for dinner. So after work I made my way not to Metro (see i am learning) but to Longo's and found there everything I needed. Came home and whipped this together in about 6 minutes, like I said earlier. I have to say I do like this recipe. The wasabi gives a little zip. And it makes a nice light meal. Now if only I can find the motivation to make the last 6 recipes, O my brothers.