With Husband being gone for the weekend that means I have to sleep by myself. Which means there's a chance I'm never going to sleep. I never thought there would be a day when I wouldn't be able to sleep in my own bed by myself because I used to LOVE sleeping by myself. I used to look over at Husband in the bed and think about all the valuable space he was taking up. Then I realized the best part about having someone beside you is you now have someone to take a bullet for you. Someone to be horribly murdered in bed while you get away. I've now got a 50/50 chance to get away if ever a serial killer enters the home. When Husband isn't home all I do is lay in bed and think what I'll do if a rapist-robber decides to strike that night. See normally, with him there, the plan is hide behind him or send him out into the trenches to battle the bad guy while I call 911 and either hide or escape to safety. I've never actually gone over this plan with him but I'm sure he's game for this approach. So what I have to do when he's not home to defend me is make myself incredibly tired so that I immediately fall asleep. As opposed to laying there for 6 hours becoming more paranoid with every minute. Oh, and I have to make sure I don't watch any CSI.
Last night was a particular challenge as there have been a couple of break-ins in my neighbourhood lately. We're all on a neighbourhood watch here currently. However I did manage to sufficiently tire myself last night and had little trouble making Zs. This morning I woke up feeling very proud of myself for not sitting up all night in a state of paranoia and deserving of a fabulous breakfast.
I'd planned that I would make this for breakfast today but I wasn't sure if I would like it or not. For one thing there's double cream in it and I feel like I've O.D'd on double cream lately.
(Ever since the margarita ice cream disaster) Secondly the eggs look a little runny in her photo and I don't like runny eggs. But I was really curious about this and I thought the addition of white truffle oil could only mean good things. So after giving myself a few minutes to wake up I started on the recipe.
It takes about 3 minutes to put it all together and then you bake in a water bath for 15 minutes. I still wasn't sure when I took these out of the oven. But then I took my first bite and oh. my. God. Flavour heaven. Maybe I should tell you that I used free range eggs because a) they're less cruel and b) they taste better. Don't chince of the quality of the egg you use for this. Nigella even specifies organic eggs. But seriously if you serve this to someone for your next brunch when they will look at you, you will have an aura of stars. You will become the God or Godess of breakfast. I don't know how to describe the flavour but it's nothing short of decadent. The white truffle oil adds layers of taste and dimensions of flavour. This is by no means a cheap breakfast but it is worth every penny you spend on it.