There are 3 ingredients to this recipe and they are all listed in the title. This is very simple to prepare. But can you bake a chicken? I'm telling you that you can. You only need one thing, and that thing is a meat thermometer. Get yourself one of those and you can cook anything. Well, anything meat that is.
So what you do is you fry up some bacon in a pan. Then you deglaze the pan with the bacon fat and Brandy. Here's where I strayed. I didn't want to go spend money on a bottle of Brandy when my house is bursting with alcohol. I just needed to research what would be the best substitute of the alcohols I already had. So after reading up on Wikipedia what makes a Brandy a Brandy, I came up with using Iced Apple Cider as my sub. This was a gift that Husband got thru work and has been sitting in our fridge "chilling" for about 6 months. So I popped the cork and deglazed.
Then I stuffed the chicken with the cooked bacon and poured the brandy-bacon sauce over said chicken and popped her in the oven. Then I waited for the meat thermometer to beep at me. Which it did nicely, and Husband had another lovely meal.
But now back to the Iced Apple Cider. This is a relatively new alcohol coming out of Quebec apparently and I was shy about trying it. But OMFG it's pretty damn good. I had 3 liqueur glasses of this just while the chicken was cooking. I've no idea if the chicken was great or not but what I can tell you is that Iced Apple Cider is pretty delicious!
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