Just because I've finished Nigella Express does not mean that I have stopped cooking. I've decided that what I'll do from here on out is just blog about various recipes that appeal to me for what ever reason. If something is a little out of the norm or just a great version of a classic I'm gonna give it a shot and you're going to go thru it with me. I'm hoping that together we can get a catalogue of killer recipes and I'll be your guinea pig!
Now before we go any further I'm going to tell you about the most amazing birthday party I went to yesterday. One of my oldest and best friends was giving her baby girl a "half birthday party". Her baby was born 2 weeks before Christmas when everyone is always so busy and the weather is usually terrible (it's Canada!!!) so she decided that rather than ask everyone to drive in that awful weather so close to Christmas they would have a lovely July half-a-year birthday party. So we all come from hours away - for us it was a 90 minute drive - and after being there a short while her and her boyfriends stood up to make a speech and thank everyone for making the effort. Then she made the announcement that they had become engaged! So we were all very happy about that. But then they took it even further and announced that they were going to get married right then and there!!!!! We were all in shock! My friend beside me was outright weeping at this point. I was just agog. We all were. It was so fast. They went inside and changed clothes. Husband was standing there in camo print shorts and I hadn't even washed my hair!!! At least I was wearing a dress, a frumpy dress but at least a dress. Then my friend comes out of her house in a beautiful dress and in 9 minutes they were married! It was crazy, inspiring, spontaneous and romantic. Definitely a wedding that one does not forget.
So I had to share that just because I'm still in shock and to make the point that you don't need bells and whistles to have a great wedding. Now on to the recipe.
Quinoa Tabbouleh is a recipe made by Mark Bittman, from the Food Matters Cookbook. Mark Bittman follows the philosophy that quality ingredients make quality food. And he really knows how to mix and compliment flavours. One bite of this salad and you will know exactly what I mean. The other great thing about this recipe is that you can really make it your own by playing around with the quantity of the ingredients and picking and choosing what to include. So when I make this I leave out the white beans, I add in the pistachio and I add just a little, and I do mean a little, extra mint. To me it's the mint that really makes this recipe. It adds a layer to the recipe that I did not expect but have become a little addicted to. I love and I mean LOVE this recipe.
There is just so much possibility with the recipe and I think it offers something for everyone. Not to mention this recipe is 100% vegan and gluten free. Don't let that deter you though if you are a meat eater, it can be enjoyed by all. Husband, the meatetarian, likes this salad also. So if you're having a BBQ or potluck or a surprise backyard wedding this is a recipe that everyone can enjoy no matter what their dietary restrictions. I cannot recommend this enough.