Saturday, February 18, 2012

Neuhaus Chocolates

I know it's been a while since I've done a post. And yet here even though I'm posting I'm still not even cooking. Well, I'm lazy. It's February after all. My worst month of the year. I'm always so tired and sick of winter in February. I just want to hibernate. February for me feels like a month I have to make it through. One thing that does help get me through it is thinking about vacations that I will be taking in the coming year and vacations I have taken in the past. This February I find myself thinking about our trip to Europe last fall because it was the best vacation ever. I'm thinking about all the fun things we did and all the yummy food we ate. Sometimes I try to re-create the thrill of vacations past by re-creating a food item I enjoyed while on vacation. Right now I'm thinking of Neuhaus Chocolate. I hadn't heard of Neuhaus until maybe 3 years ago. It's not readily available in my corner of the world and to be honest it's not exactly cheap. I did discover Neuhaus while in Paris with my mother and now that I know about it there simply is no going back.

I guess I could describe Godiva as being the poor mans Neuhaus. And anyone who has shopped at Godiva knows they don't exactly give the chocolate out for free there either. That' s also not to say that I don't enjoy Godiva because believe me I do. I really, really do. But I feel like why have just champagne when you could have Dom Perignon? Have you had Dom? If you have you know what I'm talking about. Neuhaus to me feels like the Dom of Chocolates. I insisted Husband and I have Neuhaus chocolate while in Europe and I think Husband spoke well when he said he felt like a kid again when he ate the Neuhaus Chocolate. It just tastes that amazing. And the fact that they had a Smurf line out at the time helped out too!

Now, it's not easy to get your hands on a box of Neuhaus Chocolates in Canada. The only place I have ever seen them sold is a high end grocery store in Toronto called Pusateri's. And the cheapest box was $50. If anyone can tell me of another retailer I'd be glad to hear it. If you find yourself in Europe pick up a box. You will not regret it. You should be able to find a box in the airport shops. You will be turned and I have been, and how I turned Husband into a Neuhaus fan and find yourself daydreaming of those wonderful truffles!

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