Dear Readers, I've been a few places in my day..not a globe trotter but I have travelled a bit. I've spent the last 4 days in Halifax NS and surrounding area. I ate soooooooooooo much seafood. I can't even tell you...well actually I can..it went like this. Fish and chips (best fish and chips ever), shrimp, scallops, Eggs Benny with smoked salmon, lobster mac and cheese, mussels,boullabaise, shrimp deep fired in wanton, whol

e lobster, lobster raviloi....I think that may cover it. And the beer was fantastic too. I'm not even a beer drinker but it just felt right. You can't be on the Canadian East Coast and not drink beer!!! the best beer I had was Garrison's Jalapeno Beer. You read that correctly...Jalapeno beer. Ugh..my gawd. My stomach feels full just thinking about all this food again. We just flew home this morning so you can see why I haven't been cooking this week. I'll get back into the swing of things very shortly but man-oh-man. I had to write to you about this Lobster Ravioli. It was so mother-effing good. I'm not sure I can explain it. For our last full day Husband and I rented a car and drove along the coast from Halifax to Peggy's Cove (sooo beautiful and peaceful). If you go to Nova Scotia you have to go to Peggy's Cove. You can't not. We almost didn't and it would have been the biggest mistake of our lives, so I'm telling you now as a public service you MUST go there if you are in the vicinity. And while you're there I suggest you get a scoop of ice cream from Dee Dee's gourmet ice cream hut. All the ice cream is made on-site and my mint chocolate chip wasn't bright green from dye but a beautiful white with natural minty flavour. An
d what a view while you sit on her porch and enjoy the icy treat. (see inset photo)

Now once you're at Peggy's Cove, drive the 40 minutes along highway 3 and go to Lunenburg. You were probably going to go here anyways (big tourist sight) but I'm telling you to make sure you go. I'm also telling you to eat dinner at a restaurant called "Rumrunner Inn". Order the Lobster Ravioli. Husband and I entered this restaurant around 4pm having not eaten anything but a scoop of ice cream since 9am we were hungry. We picked this place out of thin air but also because it has a great view of the harbour. It was a little rainy and misty oustide (surprise, surprise). We were the only 2 in the place besides the server and the cook. Our server was really friendly made a great caesar for me (beer for Husband)and then Husband and I decided we both wanted a ceasar salad to start and lobster ravioli as our main. The server told us that she herself loves the ravioli (good sign)and, that absolutely everything in the restaurant is homemade "nothing sittin' in bins in this place" (another good sign).

She wasn't kidding. The salad was great. you could tell the dressing was homemade and this ALWAYS makes the salad better. Then she brought the ravioli. Homemade pasta is sooo yummy, and you know when you're eating homemade pasta. I don't mean store bought "made fresh" pasta. I mean this shit just got turned out this morning by Franny in the back. So you take that and then you fill it with fresh lobster meat...and then you drench in a thin creamy Pernod sauce... and you can die after you eat this meal. Seriously. Once I'd eaten all the pasta I took a spoon and ate the sauce like a soup...and husband did too. Then I took the bread on the table and sopped up what I couldn't get with the spoon. I don't want to build it up too much for you...but you might consider sneaking this as the next vacation just so you can have the same day I did...but you know what, I'd kick it up a notch and do the Puffin tour that Husband and I just missed (and we were very sad about). You will have the perfect day.
So that is what I've been up to lately..next time you hear from me I'll have done some cooking...promise :)
Have you ever made pasta? I wonder if it is hard? Are going to post a recipe for the lobster mac and cheese?
ReplyDeleteI haven't made pasta but my sister has. apparently it's too bad. you just more need the right tools. I can't remember everything that was in the lobster mac and cheese - but that was soooooo good too.
ReplyDeleteSea food is the best! When I read about the lobster ravioli my mouth got filled out with water. It is exquisit, and nothing can be compared to that. I travelled to Argentina two years ago, and we stayed in a buenos aires apartment which gave me the possibility to cook. Sushi was my specialty, but there you can find anything at the lower costs.
MMMMMM... I love sushi too. I've made it a few times but not for a while.
ReplyDeleteAnd BPAs I meant to say that apparently pasta isn't too bad to make. I definitley want to try it some time.