Can you believe it???????? I still can't. Here's how it all started.
PS - I just want to say Nigella is just a beautiful in person as she is on TV and in her books.
My sister emailed me a notification she received about different celebrity chefs doing cook book signings at the flagship store in Yorkville. Nigella was one of the people coming to town. Saturday at 2pm - I found this out on Thursday. I've got to tell you I'm not one of those people who values autographs. I'm of the mind walking up to someone and asking them to sign a picture of a piece of paper is really bizarre behaviour. So I was torn. Do I do this or no? I also work a TV station and see stars and TV personalities all the time so I'm very aware that these are just regular people with irregular jobs. I'm not really fazed by celebrity. However, circumstances are a little different with me and Nigella. I've been cooking from Nigella Express for just shy of a year now. There's hardly been a day in the last year that I haven't thought about what recipe I'll make next or how I'm going to do the next recipe. So I had to go meet Nigella. I just had to.
I drove to Toronto this morning and found the Indigo on Bloor street with my Nigella Express in hand. I got to the store and found there was a line up for Nigella. So I go to the back of the line and ask the staff if Nigella will sign books other than her new book. I was told no. I begged I pleaded I said what if I buy the new book and still ask her to sign Nigella Express. I'm told no. Either way I had to buy the new book -panic was starting to set in but I made my way thru the store and got in line for the book. There were 4 books up on the register in a display, I didn't want to take one until I was at the front of the line so I stood in line empty handed scanning around me fore more Nigella Kitchen books. There weren't any. Then a woman goes to the display and take 2 of the 4 books. Panic set in . There were only 2 books left and I was 4 people back in the line. Every person that walked by I willed not to touch the display. It was the longest 3 minutes of my life while I waited to get to the display. Every second I was in this line I was losing my spot in the autograph line. I'd come all this way - I couldn't not get this.
So finally I got to buy the book and headed to the end of the autograph line. I was chatting with the people in front and behind me. The guy directly behind me left when he heard she'd only sign the new book because he'd brought Nigella's Christmas book. Maybe he did like I did but I never saw him again. So instead I had a kindly older gentleman behind me who was lining up to get the book signed for his neighbour who just started cooking and makes only Nigella's recipes. It was so sweet of him. I told him she'll surely appreciate it and it will make a great Christmas surprise. Even I'm excited for him to give the present. So after about a hour of waiting in line me and the nice man behind me are finally getting to the front of the cue. We were told that there would be someone who would take a picture for us if we had our camera ready so I got mine out. I was all nervous about what would happen when I got up there. A lady came around to make sure we had a books open and at the right page and without sticky note of who we wanted it made out to. I had Nigella Express out and Kitchen both open to be signed. I asked this woman if I could get Nigella Express signed (with some pleading in my voice) and she replied "Of course, you've waited in line so long she'll sign both" to which I replied "Oh my God thank you!! I'm sooo excited!" which made her very pleased. (She was from the publishing company). So I'm just 5 people away from Nigella and I start to get really nervous. My sister and the man in the line with me told me I have to tell her about my blog but I was timid about doing this - I mean how much can you say in 10 seconds? I didn't want to be a babbling idiot and have Nigella think "Craaaa-zzzzzyyyy" while I was talking to her. And I was also panicking because I didn't see who would be able to take a picture for me. Everyone seemed to have their friend or partner taking the photo but I was a lonesome dove. I couldn't ask my new friend in the line to do it because he'd be getting shoved and shuffled along behind me. So I thought - "Better snap a photo now in case this is my only chance." As I took my photo on Nigella a staff member turned and said to me " Would you like me to take your photo with Nigella?" ..."That would be fantastic!" I replied.
So I handed over my camera, ans shuffled along with a knot in my stomach. When it was my turn I stepped up to Nigella and said " Um, I just wanted to tell you that I've been blogging my way thru Nigella Express." as she signed Nigella Express for me. She looked up and said ...
Nigella: "Oh are you? And where are you blogging at?"
Me: "MrsKcooks, that's why I've asked for Mrs K (to be signed). It's so much fun.
Nigella: "whawhahwhawhawha" - I don't comprend a word she says to me because now I'm shaking.
Me: " I'm shaking."
Nigella: "Don't shake dear."
Staff member: "For someone who's shaking you seem very calm."
Me: "I have a photo, camera, thing."
Me: "I have a photo, camera, thing."
Then we smiled for the photo and with that I took my 2 books, got my camera back, took a deep breath and walked out of the shop. Once outside I tried to gather my thoughts and calm myself
"Grab a hold of your self for crying out loud" I thought. But I was still shaking because I thought honestly who does this happen to? I'm down to 50 recipes to make, I've spent a year working on this blog and making Nigella's food and I get to meet her and have her sign the very book that I'm working from. Who is this lucky???? seriously? Me that's who. I'm one lucky duck.
"Grab a hold of your self for crying out loud" I thought. But I was still shaking because I thought honestly who does this happen to? I'm down to 50 recipes to make, I've spent a year working on this blog and making Nigella's food and I get to meet her and have her sign the very book that I'm working from. Who is this lucky???? seriously? Me that's who. I'm one lucky duck.
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