Okay, so after making this recipe I now have only 50 recipes to go. I'm in the home stretch. But at the same time - I've been doing this for nearly one full year and I still have 50 recipes to go!?!?!? How is that even possible? How can one person come up with this many recipes? Honestly, this is just one cookbook out of how many? 8 - that's how many. That's insane. I could never to that. I'd start putting in recipes of mixing different cereals together for breakfast. It's a little mind boggling when you think about it. But the countdown is on for me T-50 and counting.
So let's see..I invited my friend over to a birthday tea last night and true to form she bailed on me. I had made this Instant Chocolate Mousse for us to eat in celebration of her big day but instead I was left alone with me and 3 serving of chocolate mousse to myself. Well, that's not true. Husband has been home but somehow I sunk my spoon into all 3 dishes before he got a chance to. Not that I ate them all at once...here's the story.
I come home from work and there is no food in the house. I don't know what to make for dinner but I decide I should make something for when the birthday girl arrives to have with tea. So I checked the cupboards and just as I suspected I have everything I need to make a half recipe of Instant Chocolate Mousse. So I whip this together and put it in the fridge to set. Husband comes home and I tell him there's no food for dinner. I suggest to him he make one of his cans of chili that makes me gag at the thought of (there's something inherently wrong about canned beef) but he says he's not in the mood. After scouring the cupboards, fridge and freezer I decide we've got the means to make French Toast and breakfast dinner is in order. Though honestly all we have is wonderbread which I hate so I'm still not satisfied. At this point Husband announces his intention to order a pizza. I do nothing to deter his decision and instead spout of what I'd like on my half while putting the bread and eggs away. At this point I go to the computer and via FB discover that my friend is no longer coming over as she feels ill after a flu shot. So at this point the mousse is just for Husband and me.
After eating take out pizza (maybe a once a year occasion at our house) I saved some space for the mousse. So I'm really looking forward to giving it a try. It turned out very well but to be completely honest I felt it was too sweet for me. I only ate about 3 bites and I was done. I'm not one to take kindly to a very rich and sweet dessert. I'm more the savoury type. I told Husband I thought he would like it though.
Then this morning after a run, I come home and have left over pizza for breakfast only I was still hungry....the only other thing to eat was the mousse. So that's what I ate. It was still very sweet but I was warming to it. Then this afternoon I returned home from my glorious 15 second encounter with Nigella herself famished...I go to the fridge and what is staring me in the face???? Chocolate Mousse....and that is how I ate 3 helpings of this recipe and Husband, is just going to have to take me word for it that he would have really liked it.
Choco-holics...you may want to write this one down.